
Tarot Predictions for March 2025

Our resident Tarotscope reader reveals the surprises, challenges and excitement that await you in the month ahead

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Aries: March 21 – April 20


A month to look at what needs to heal within. An ace card is drawn for you, which stands for beginnings, so expect a new start. Singles could get engaged, couples could have a baby, work becomes more positive. Creativity is available in heaps and so are new ideas. An excellent month healthwise, and you can expect a pleasant surprise. A new contract or project will add to your income. Your new ideas will give you excellent results. Go ahead with confidence and happiness.


Taurus: April 21 – May 20


Expect the unexpected in love and other relationships. Walking away from a break-up won’t be so easy. A rocky relationship won’t break despite its challenges. Or again, an ex could make a comeback into your life. Stay calm in the face of upsetting events. Finances need attention. A new sense of direction in your work or personal life is foretold. If you are currently feeling trapped, it is a temporary thing, and things will change for the better soon.


Gemini: May 21 – June 20


A difficult month as setbacks in business and heartache in personal relationships could affect you. Singles will be unwilling to trust again. Some of you may hear from someone quite unexpectedly – a pleasant surprise. Paperwork will cause problems, so be careful. If going through a low phase emotionally, don’t lose heart, things will get better soon. Take a break from work and stress. Money held up will come to you. Any delays at work will be to your advantage. Avoid impulsive actions.


Cancer: June 21 – July 20


You picked the card for Aquarius – meaning, the July born could be less moody this month. Letting go of the past in a relationship will give you relief. Don’t get so defensive in difficult situations that you are blind to others’ feelings. A patch-up with an old friend is on the cards. Be cautious while driving. Discussions with family about money and relationships could cause disharmony. Clarity about your life will make you want to sort your life out.


Leo: July 21 – August 20


Clarity is your code for March as it is imperative to take the rose-tinted glasses off. What illusions are you harbouring about others that need to go? A good way to do so is to be less emotional and more practical. You quell loneliness with work that is also unsatisfying. The self-employed will see business get better. Expect insight into a situation that was bothering you. A debt will be paid back to you. Practice gratitude and count your blessings.

Virgo: August 21 – September 20


You pick the card for Leo, meaning the finicky Virgo becomes a little outgoing and generous. Singles will meet someone interesting, and it could lead to an affair. Expect a boost in your business and a promotion at a job. A difficult relationship could end as you choose to walk away. Communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings with friends and lovers. Spiritual matters and new age remedies will interest you. Be generous with your time and attention towards your loved ones.


Libra: September 21 – October 20


For the estranged, there could be a reunion in store. Singles might not want involvement due to a past heartbreak. A welcome surprise is in store on the home front. The self-employed will see a boost in business and income. Staying detached will help you see through those who are operating under false agendas. Women could have problems with their periods. A learning curve leads to self-love. Set your intentions, do your visualisations and the universe will deliver.


Scorpio: October 21 – November 20


Singles will be ready to date again as they let go of the past. A desire to improve your lifestyle and work will be your focus. A new business idea could be discussed which has the potential of bringing in good money. Couples could be thinking of taking the relationship to the next level – moving in or getting married. Avoid over-indulging with alcohol or food to deal with emotional stress. Be bold about promoting your skills and taking on new opportunities.


Sagittarius: November 21 – December 20


A good month as abundance on all fronts is yours for the taking. Singles could meet someone through work or at a social event. A new job offer or financial support could come your way. Family and friends are supportive so don’t hesitate to take their help. Finances will improve substantially. Avoid impulsive actions and bingeing on alcohol. A change in your mindset will lead to a new you. Lucky breaks at work and a chance to make more money come to you.


Capricorn: December 21 – January 20


Dwell on your emotions and introspect in the face of challenges. Find your joy to deal with the discontent you feel. Some of you may want to buy a new home. If work is dissatisfactory, look for a job that satisfies your creativity. An upper back issue could bog you down. A stressful situation will end soon. An important connection is on the anvil. Don’t think or do too much if you are overloaded. Go with the flow and listen to your gut.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 20


Picking the card for Virgo makes the dreamy Aquarians a little meticulous and even more practical this month. Some of you want to venture into new areas, gain clarity and you could possibly meet a Virgo person too. A rocky marriage could end up in divorce. A sudden and short trip is on the anvil. It will be easier to go with the flow than control outcomes. Watch out for health problems that affect your lifestyle. Let go and let God.

Pisces: February 21 – March 20


An overall happy month for Pisceans. You will find yourself focussing on self-healing and change from within. Practice self-love to attract the right partner. Tune in to your emotions and discuss what is bothering you to feel better. Some of you may look for a new line of work. An incident connected with a pet or a family member could upset you greatly. Seek clarity about what you really want out of life. Take a risk with new ideas.



Minnal Khona
Minnal Khona
Minnal is a senior writer and editor. Her forte is lifestyle journalism, art, food, beauty and travel writing

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