
Tag: Lima

Australia includes India in the Work and Holiday Visa program

Work & holiday visa program
  Australia has fulfilled its promise by amending visa rules to allow 1,000 Indians to work while on holiday in Australia by inclduing India in...

Indian grocery store fined over $100,000 for underpaying worker

the court has ordered Om Shiva Foods to pay the Indian migrant worker the full outstanding amount of $68,970 in underpaid wages.
  Federal Circuit and Family Court has fined an Indian grocery store operator in Darwin over $100,000 for breaching workplace laws involving an Indian migrant...

Captivating Cusco

  To the casual (and innocently misguided) observer, Peru is synonymous with one site: the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. But Peru is so much...

Modak recipes with a difference

  It’s Ganesh Chaturthi, and that means modak season. Not just for Ganesha, but us as well! These sweet dumplings were Ganesha’s favourite (you‘ll always find...

Arpo Irro: The youth festival modernising Onam

  The sound of the drums, coupled with the ecstatic chant of “Arpo…irro, irro, irro” echoed through the Penrith Regional Sports Centre during Sydney’s first...
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