HomeTagsKalamandalam Krishnan Nair

Tag: Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair

Sign Language Interpretation at T20 World Cup

  How did India's deaf community perceive the feeling of joy after a great move by their favourite cricket player during the T20 World Cup?...

Review: Jyotsna Jyoti’s ‘An Artful Evening‘

rushi simran artful evening
  As a comment on contemporary Indian-Australian society, the characters in Jyotsna Jyoti’s play An Artful Evening are easily identifiable.  On the one hand we have...

Inside Out 2: Why Indian parents need to watch it

Inside Out 2
  Disney & Pixar's latest animated project Inside Out 2 has not only conquered the global box office charts but has also ignited a powerful conversation...

T20 World Cup 2024: Redemption

India T20 World Cup champions 2024
  For those who enjoy a redemption arc, the 2024 T20 World Cup final was the sweetest catharsis. When India’s captain Rohit Sharma finally lifted...

Dominic Thattil on the hidden reality of Pride

  As Pride Month draws to a close, it's the perfect moment to engage in meaningful discussions about being queer within the South Asian community....
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