
Tag: Bollywood

Ceasefire or capitulation? Ukraine, history, and the Trump-Putin phone call

Trump-Putin phone call
  Tuesday’s phone call between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, aimed at halting hostilities in Ukraine, is yet another unsettling chapter...

Finding Grandpa: a quest to heal generational pain

  Baljinder Singh’s story starts with a promise to his grandmother. At the age of 12, he swears to find his grandfather, Mehnga Singh, a...

Pallavi Sharda in Spit: ‘reasonable doubt at a reasonable price’

pallavi sharda in spit
  When it comes to South Asian representation on Australian screens, actor Pallavi Sharda leads the way. After charting the territories of Bollywood and Hollywood,...

Why not English, Vibhinna says, when asked, Why English?

  Bangalore artist Vibhinna Ramdev’s Why English? Layers Beneath the Language, currently playing at the Adelaide Fringe, is a close look at the complex relationship...

South Asian links at the Syd and Melb Writers Festivals

  There’s just so much to do and so much to see at the Sydney and Melbourne Writers festivals this year! South Asian writers are increasingly...
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