
Speeches and song mark OMGA annual event

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Investment opportunities dominate over medical matters at networking dinner, writes DORA DEKA
OMGA 044 (2)
“If there was ever a good place to have a heart attack, this would probably be the one,” quipped Gino Balestra, Mr Saturday Night before strumming some amazing classic numbers on his guitar. The occasion was the general meeting of the Overseas Medical Graduates Association of Victoria (OMGA), and their networking dinner, sponsored by National Australia Bank (NAB) and Saimed Specialist Centre. Held on August 24 at the Red Cherry Bistro in Tullamarine, the evening spent with some of Australia’s best doctors of Indian and Indian subcontinent origin, was a truly memorable experience.
OMGA was formed over three decades ago by a team of dedicated doctors mainly from the subcontinent, and currently has more than 50 members. The association aims to promote awareness of health issues, and to assist and guide medical professionals from the subcontinent. A fantastic opening speech by Dr Geetha Venkatram, President of OMGA, emphasised the significance of Indian doctors in the Australian medical fraternity.
As the wine flowed, socializing continued through the room filled with a rich intellectual base. Mr Ravi Bhatia, President of Australia India Business Council then presented an inspirational and informative speech themed ‘Doctors are not good investors’, as goes the common aphorism. Mr Bhatia, an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) graduate who immigrated to Australia in 1982, spoke about the lucrative investment potential in India and Australia, reassuring attendees that the doom and gloom scenario affecting the Indian economy as a result of the sliding rupee would be overcome. His presentation was followed by a speech by Mr Erol Dixon, senior banking advisor NAB, who gave us an insight on expert investment strategy for high income earning medical practitioners. The last speech of the evening was made by the business development manager of Saimed Specialist Centre.  Dr Raj Khillon, General Secretary of OMGA concluded the evening by thanking all the sponsors, presenters, media and attendees at the event.   And how can we forget the MC, a stand-up comedian (by passion of course!) Dr Raju Yerra, neurologist and committee member of OMGA, who twisted our nervous system through his hysterical commentaries.
The night was still young and guests were invited to groove to live music by Gino Balestra, promoted by Tangin Marketing.  A buffet of rich and sumptuous Indian cuisine made the happy guests even happier. Gulab jamun and gajar ka halwa left a sweet taste in everyone’s mouth, as a remarkable evening slowly approached its end.

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