Akshay Kumar has announced a multi-player game titled ‘FAU-G: Fearless and United Guards’ that will support Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ movement.
The game aims to provide an Indian alternative to popular mobile game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). FAU-G has been developed by nCore Games under the mentorship of Kumar. 20 per cent of the game’s proceeds will be donated to a trust for Indian soldiers.
The game is expected to based on real scenarios encountered by the Indian security forces to deal with both domestic and foreign threats and it will be available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
PUBG has been pulled out from both Google Play Store and Apple App Store in India following the directive from the Indian government. It is no longer available to download for the Android and iOS users in the country.
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However, the game can still be played for users who have it installed on their smartphones sans updates.
PUBG was banned on an order by the Ministry of Information and Technology (MeitY), which also banned 117 other popular apps from China over national security concerns. In June, 59 apps were banned including TikTok and another 47 apps were suspended in July.
The PUBG game, which has more than 600 million downloads and 50 million active players globally, has millions of users, especially young, in India. It was not banned in India earlier as it is not entirely Chinese. having ben created and managed by Bluehole, a South Korean organisation.
China has termed the action as ‘discriminatory restrictions’ on Chinese companies and alleged that it violated World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.