The ancient Indian practice of yoga, celebrated world over on June 21 as International Day of Yoga, is now capturing the imagination of doctors who are prescribing a fusion of yoga and modern medicines in their treatment of patients.
A new age yoga start-up in NCR, Karma Spark is offering clinical yoga therapy for curing Polycystic Ovarian Disorder and Syndrome (PCOD/PCOS), both chronic disorders in women caused by hormonal imbalance which contribute to infertility. “The start-up is a blend of modern diagnostics and traditional yoga to cure chronic disorders. Clinical yoga therapy is also making waves in the US and Europe where it is called Yoga as Medicine or Therapeutic Yoga,” said Karma Spark co-founder Idi Srinivas Murthy.
“We have already cured over a dozen PCOD cases fully and 30 more are currently underway at the centre. Modern diagnostic reports focuses and accelerates the therapy better. The program has therapeutic yoga sessions, diet advice and no drugs,” said another co-founder Runvijay.
He also shared a case of a 32-year-old woman who was suffering from PCOD for 10 years despite surgery. “After 49 days of clinical yoga therapy, which involved different combinations of yoga poses, multiple cysts were gone, ovarian volume and her menstrual cycle became normal and drug-free. We are delighted that she conceived naturally and is in her second trimester,” he said.
“Yoga has shown effectiveness in healing various diseases under various studies,” said Aashish Chaudhry, Orthopedic Surgeon and Managing Director, Aakash Healthcare Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.
Subhash Chandra, Chairman and HOD, Cardiology, BLK Super Speciality Hospital in New Delhi said, “Blood flow to and from heart gets improved with yoga exercises thus preventing sudden heart attacks and brain strokes besides boosting immunity. Digestion and respiratory system works better without requiring any drugs.”
Even the World Health Organisation (WHO) has accepted the benefits of yoga. “On the International Day of Yoga, the importance of routine physical activity that is integrated into our daily lives must be grasped. For people of all ages and all means, yoga is a valuable tool to increase physical activity and decrease non-communicable diseases,” WHO South-East Asia Regional Director Poonam Khetrapal Singh said.
International Yoga Day: Not just meds, docs prescribe yoga too
Yoga is being offered as a way to treat Polycystic Ovarian Disorder and Syndrome (PCOD/PCOS) in women
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