In a heartbreaking incident, two Indian students from Andhra Pradesh, Chaitanya Mupparaju and Surya Teja Bobba have lost their lives at the Millaa Millaa...
Selvamanickam Sinnathamby’s spiritual connect with Brisbane’s Indian community began when he arrived here in 1980. Today, his 42-year service is recognised by the government,...
An Indian-origin candidate’s campaign in Queensland has descended into chaos after the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) referred him to the Australian Federal Police (AFP)...
Queensland police are investigating a massive brawl involving members from the Indian community in Brisbane's south earlier this week which sent eight men to...
Harishivashanker Reddy Nagaram, an Indian postgraduate information technology student has died unexpectedly. The institution he attended, Southern Cross University, has extended its deepest sympathy...