Ash Isaacs (Mortgage Broker), Manisha (Childcare compliance) and kids Aman, Aamish and Zaron
What kind of investments do you have and how often do you review them? Do you manage them yourself, or with a professional’s help?
We do have a couple of investments in real estate, and we review them as per the market to sell or to add on. Given I’m in the profession, it’s easy.
Do you make financial decisions together as a couple….if not, who makes them? Did you both decide this is the best option for you?
I (Ash) do the research and discusses everything with Manisha. We talk about all the possible outcomes and then jointly make decisions.
Do you financially support family in India?
Yes, we do.
What do you teach your children about working with money?
The best way to teach children about money is to give them responsibility for it. So our kids have their own bank accounts. It’s good for them because they get an idea of how banking works and how they should save or spend.
What are your thoughts on HECS?
It is incredibly useful for parents. We don’t have to worry ourselves sick about paying exorbitant fees. And a huge advantage is that the children are learning to pay back what they borrowed.
What do you understand about Wills or Estate Planning? Do you think having a will is a smart choice?
All parents, whatever their economic standing, should have a will in place that protects their children with their share.
Tips and tricks you use to curb expenses and stop spending / start saving?
Our mantra is to spend on what’s needed. (And for me to not let go of Manisha’s hand at the shopping centre!)
Do you think about retiring in Australia?
Yes, this is home now.
Have you made retirement plans or discussed the funding of your retirement plans?
Yes we have, and if it all goes as planned, we could enjoy the same lifestyle as we do today.
READ: How Mohan Singh and Anubhuti, a YOUNG FAMILY, manage money
READ: How Dipanjali Rao, a SINGLE WOMAN, manages her finances
READ: How Jyotika Singh (Joy), a SINGLE PARENT, manages money
READ: How How Chinmay Sohoni and Neha, NEW MIGRANTS manage money
READ: How Sumit Sharma, a SINGLE MAN manages his finances
READ: How Dr Tilak Kalra and Bindu, a RETIRED COUPLE, manage their money
Money Matters: young family
You work for your money, but does your money work for you? As the financial year comes to a close, we ask the question, how well do you know your money?
Reading Time: 2 minutes