After the tragic murder of Prabha Arun Kumar in Westmead last week, authorities have established a co-ordinated approach in addressing the community’s concerns over safety in the area
On Friday 13 March, Parramatta MP Geoff Lee, Parramatta City Council Lord Mayor Scott Lloyd, Parramatta Park Trust Director, Suellen Fitzgerald and NSW Police Local Area Commander Wayne Cox met to discuss how they can work together to improve security in the area, and address the community’s concerns.
Emerging from the meeting all attendees again expressed their deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mrs Prabha Arun Kumar, remarking that it is a deeply shocking and distressing time for her family and the wider community.
Member for Parramatta, Dr Geoff Lee says that the meeting has facilitated the fast tracking of the response that is needed to address the community’s concerns over safety in Parramatta.
Earlier in the week, Parramatta Park Trust, Dr Lee and Parramatta City Council agreed the NSW Police Force should conduct a safety audit of the area.
The safety audit includes assessing the site, adjacent areas and traffic patterns. The audit will consider increased lighting, CCTV, vegetation management and other issues relevant to improving security. The community will also be asked for their input on possible solutions.
Suellen Fitzgerald Director of Parramatta Park Trust says, “Any recommendations for action by Parramatta Park Trust will be implemented immediately.”
Lord Mayor of Parramatta, Cr Scott Lloyd, said Council would examine ways to improve safety by continuing discussions with police, Dr Lee and Parramatta Park Trust, which has responsibility for managing and maintaining facilities in the park.
“Our community can be reassured that the police are doing everything possible to solve this terrible crime,” Cr Lloyd said.
Strike force Marcola has been formed to investigate the murder which brings together the NSW Homicide and the Local Area Command. This is a difficult investigation and Police are methodically working through information and urge anyone to come forward if they have information about the incident to report to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Safety audit announced for Parramatta Park
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