
Auntyji: A sleepover with Satan

When a friend’s request pulls you into a web of deceit, Auntyji’s advice is clear: don’t let your moral compass waver.

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear Auntyji 

I desperately need your guidance. I made a new friend, Gary, about 18 months ago, and we generally socialise with a bunch of other folks. Now I know both Gary and his wife Shaz, but I know Gary better because we like to go listen to live music. Mostly death metal because it’s cool. 

Anyway Auntyji, two weeks ago, Gary comes to me and tells me that if Shaz asks, I should say he stayed overnight at our place because it was 2am after the gig and he didn’t want to pay for an Uber.

On further questioning, it turns out that Gary has a special lady friend that he sees from time to time – and he uses music gigs as an excuse to see her and stay at her place overnight. The excuse he uses with Shaz is that an Uber was too expensive at 2am and it was easier to stay at our place.

Auntyji, what to do? I am flummoxed and upset by Gary’s request. I don’t know what to say to him and I feel bad for Shaz. I feel I am being drawn into his web of deceit. What to do, Auntyji, what to do?  

Auntyji says 

Well, my little Satan, all this should have been resolved the moment it crossed your mind, and your moral compass should have stayed pointing north. Instead, it’s trending towards south because you have given credence to a falsehood and duplicitous behaviour – and now you are caught in a moral quagmire of your own making. Your friend asked you to lie for him. Why would you say yes, you buddhu? Satan

It was as simple as saying this: 

“Jeez mate. I’m not comfortable lying to Shaz, especially because I know her. And now that you’ve told me the truth, I have become complicit in this lie. If Shaz asks me outright, I’ll have to tell her the truth.” Then you should have added, “Mate, I didn’t think you wanted a divorce that badly.”

That last ‘d-word’ would probably have startled him into doing the right thing. 

But really, it’s this simple. Don’t lie for others. Be honest and truthful in your dealings with others, and you won’t go wrong. Today, he is asking you to lie to Shaz. Tomorrow, who knows, he might just ask you to carry a package overseas for him. Or he might send you an inappropriate picture that gets you into serious trouble. 

Stop hanging out with people with loose character. Just because you love heavy metal, does not mean you need to worship Satan. Namak haraam. Akal nahi hai kya? 

READ ALSO: Auntyji on distasteful desi men

The original Australian sub-continental agony aunt. Email: info@indianlink.com.au

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