Dr Rashmi Watson from the University of Western Australia is keen to hear as many diverse voices as possible from women (including from India) in academia.
Her research will examine the experiences of academic women in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on teaching, learning and leadership.
The “Experiences of female academics during the pandemic” survey aims to collect different experiences from all over the world and Dr Watson is inviting all female academics to participate in the project.
You are asked to take part in this project if you are a female academic to capture your views and experiences of the benefits/opportunities/impact/challenges you have faced that may have impacted your work in any way. The study also aims to capture your views on academic leadership and support.
What does participation involve?
Completing an online survey (estimated at 10 minutes)
To start the survey, please click this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8EqJBSjL2EaHFnTNtG4iJinhLTLlwFBFj_jqfIroHjBUNjU0Wk5VMlRaRjdSTjNDQVFRSVdCUUFBNy4u
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