
Marking Holi – The Festival of Colour

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A message from Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten

Holi message Bill Shorten.Indian Link

On behalf of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party I send my best wishes to everyone celebrating the festival of Holi.
Holi is one of my favourite Hindu festivals because of everything it represents: a new beginning, forgiving and forgetting, and working on inner peace and goodwill to all.
Most importantly it is the joyous tradition of celebrating with coloured powder, every colour symbolising something special. Red for purity and warmth, green for vitality, blue for calm and peace, yellow for piety.
This celebration is yet another vivid reminder of how multiculturalism has made Australia a better, bolder and more vibrant place.
It is also a chance to pay tribute to the Australian Hindu community for the outstanding contribution they continue to make to Australia.
To all those celebrating, we hope that you and your families continue to be covered with the colours of joy, love, peace.
Happy Holi and enjoy the Rang and Ronak!

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